Scoil Mhaoilíosa is a co-educational Catholic primary school under the patronage of the Bishop of Cork and Ross. Together with the Board of Management, the parents and the parish community, we provide Religious Education for the pupils in accordance with the doctrines, practices and traditions of the Roman Catholic Church. We have adopted the Alive-O and Grow in Love Programmes, the recommended approach to religious education for the reception of the sacraments of Penance, Holy Communion and Confirmation. We promote the formation of the pupils in the Catholic Faith in a manner that is welcoming to and inclusive of the presence of pupils committed to other religious traditions.
‘Ní neart go cur le chéile’ (Together we are stronger)
Our vision is to have the highest level of teaching and learning whilst ensuring a happy, safe and inclusive environment. In collaboration with our parish community we aim to provide an opportunity for every pupil to succeed through a varied range of initiatives, projects and activities.
In order to achieve our vision we live our core values of respect, reaching potential, love of learning and positive attitudes in the following ways.
By fostering a love of learning amongst all our pupils and inspire in our pupils a positive attitude towards their work and in every task they complete.
We strive to nurture and support our pupils in fulfilling their potential in an environment of mutual respect and trust between pupils, teachers, parents and ancillary staff.
We will endeavour to enhance the self-esteem of everyone in the school community, to imbue in the pupils respect for people and property and to encourage in them the idea of being responsible.
We believe that children learn best when they are nurtured and supported by a collaborative teacher, parent and parish community. We believe that this can only be achieved in an environment of mutual respect, positivity and support between parents, management and the community.
Every teacher has the right to teach in a friendly, safe and satisfying school with the help and support of the principal, colleagues, the students, the Board of Management and the community. We will foster both individual and collectively the professional and personal development of teachers through continuous professional development.