Scoil Mhaoilíosa

Mobile: 085 252 1422     Office: (021) 477 5662

Scoil Mhaoilíosa

Mobile: 085 252 1422   Office: (021) 477 5662



Your Recipe

2019-11-14T09:16:31+00:00November 13th, 2019|Recipe|

We are waiting for your recipe! 

What you need to do:  

  • Write down the ingredients
  • Write down the instructions (your own words)
  • Make the dish
  • Take a couple of pictures
  • Email your recipe with pictures to

Copyright:  The photos and explanation of steps accompanying a recipe should be your own.  We cannot share recipes from cookbooks and […]

Hidden Vegetable Chicken Curry

2019-11-18T12:37:17+00:00November 13th, 2019|Meals|


3 tbsp olive oil

2 chicken breasts cut into chunks

1 onion, peeled & chopped

1 garlic clove, crushed

1 medium sweet potato, peeled & thinly sliced

100g cauliflower, cut into florets

1 tbsp Korma or Tikka Masala curry paste

1/2 tbsp mango chutney

1 tbsp tomato puree

100 g frozen peas

150 ml coconut milk

1 chicken stock […]

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