Boards of management are responsible for the direct governance of schools.

The duties of the board of management include the following:

  • the appointment of teachers and ancillary staff;
  • approving school closures;
  • approving teacher absences for a variety of reasons;
  • the appointment of teachers to deputy-principalship and other posts of responsibility;
  • ensuring compliance with relevant legislation; and
  • ensuring that schools are adequately insured and maintained.

Specific duties of the chairperson of the board of management include:

  • acting as a correspondent with the Department of Education and Science and all outside bodies;
  • presiding at board of management meetings;
  • signing the monthly returns and annual statistical returns; and
  • serving on the selection board for the appointment of teachers.

The Board of Management of Scoil Mhaoilíosa for 2019 to 2023 comprises the following:

Position Person
Chairperson/Nominee of Patron Mary Lucy
Secretary Orla O’She
Secretary Claire Falvey
Teacher’s Rep Kay Coffey
Treasurer Marian Delaney
Teachers Rep. Claire Falvey
Parents Nominee Orla Grainger
Parents Nominee Brian O’Leary
Community Rep Nelius Lehane
Community Rep John Canty